Venue Cleaning Requirements in the New Meeting Normal

Venue Cleaning Requirements in the New Meeting Normal

AMI CEO, Andy McNeill interviews Shari Cedar, VP of AK Building Services.

Today, running any business, meeting, or event plan requires a new and improved commercial cleaning strategy. There are basic steps that you can take to move the needle on your meeting and event sanitation protocols, which are a must-do in our post-pandemic world. Learn more here from two industry experts on how you should move forward to keep your team and customers safe and protected in any case, as well as what you should expect and require from venues from a professional cleaning protocol standpoint.

127 Corporate Themes & Concepts for your next corporate meeting or event

127 Corporate Themes & Concepts for your next corporate meeting or event

Where do you start when trying to come up with concepts for your next corporate meeting or event…well, how is this?

Our corporate meeting planners have compiled a list of 127 corporate event themes and concepts. AMI CEO, Andy McNeill says,

“Coming up with a concept behind your meeting or event helps drive your planning in the right direction, keeps your messaging on track, and ultimately ensures that you accomplish your goals.”

For sales meetings, corporate meetings, incentive trips and more, take this list and play off these corporate event themes to come up with your own concept that best fits your upcoming meeting. Good luck!

  1. A World of Opportunities
  2. A Whole New World
  3. A Celebration of Success
  4. A Spectrum of Opportunities
  5. Ain’t No Stopping Us Now
  6. All Systems Go
  7. Anything is Possible.
  8. Back to the Future
  9. Back on Top
  10. Becoming Agents of Change
  11. Be Extraordinary
  12. Beat (Name of Biggest Competitor)
  13. Better and Consistent
  14. Beyond All Limits
  15. Board Break Experience at the event!
  16. Breakthrough to Excellence
  17. Breaking Barriers
  18. Breaking Down Barriers
  19. Breaking Out of Your Shell
  20. Breakthrough Performance
  21. Breakthrough to Excellence
  22. Building on the Best
  23. Building for the Future
  24. California Dreaming (Location)
  25. Commitment to Excellence
  26. Creating Customer Connections
  27. Creating Connections—Building Bridges…Together
  28. Challenge Yourself
  29. Charting the Course
  30. Customer Focus
  31. Discovering Natural Treasures
  32. Dedicated to Your Success.
  33. Develop the Possibilities.
  34. Discover the Difference.
  35. Do Great Things
  36. Don’t Stop Believing
  37. Evolving with Our Business
  38. Everything Counts
  39. Expect the Best.
  40. Exceeding the Vision
  41. Expanding the Possibilities
  42. Explore the Possibilities.
  43. Facing the Future—Together
  44. Facing Forward
  45. Facing the Challenges
  46. Focus on Success!
  47. Focus on the Future!
  48. Fusing Power and People
  49. Gaining the Edge
  50. Get Momentum
  51. Get Switched On!
  52. Get the Edge!
  53. Getting It Done
  54. Getting You Prepared for 202_ Good to Great
  55. Got Momentum
  56. Growing Your Business
  57. Great Expectations
  58. Guide Their Journey: Improving Customer Service
  59. Higher, Faster, Stronger
  60. Historic Proportions
  61. Homecoming 202_
  62. It Starts with Us
  63. Igniting Team Spirit
  64. Ingenuity @ Work
  65. Innovate, Integrate, Motivate
  66. Innovation Integration
  67. In It to Win It
  68. Journey to the Top
  69. Keep ‘em Rollin!
  70. Leadership Next: Defying Gravity
  71. Leadership: Share the Vision
  72. Leadership: Precision & Performance
  73. Leadership Challenge
  74. Leadership Conference: Guiding the Way into the 21st Century.
  75. Leading the Pack
  76. Leading the Way
  77. Leadership: Sharing the Vision
  78. Legendary Leadership Lessons
  79. _____________ Live
  80. Lighting the Future
  81. Meeting the Challenge
  82. Making a Difference
  83. Make it Happen Make it Matter!
  84. Make Every Connection Matter!
  85. Millennium: Honoring the Past, Treasuring the Present, Shaping the Future
  86. Moving to Mastery
  87. Make the Member Connection—Mission Possible
  88. New Economy Efficiencies/Old Economy Relationships
  89. Next Generation Leadership
  90. Next Level
  91. Navigating the Future
  92. Operation Excellence
  93. People, Process & Performance
  94. Peak Performance
  95. Partners in Excellence
  96. Prism of Possibilities
  97. People, Purpose & Passion: The Pathway to Success
  98. Pump Up Your Sales Success
  99. Partners in Progress
  100. Performance Driven
  101. Pride and Performance
  102. Play to Win!
  103. Portraits of Success
  104. Power of the Past—Force of the Future
  105. Peak Performance
  106. Power Up!
  107. Quality Connections Ready, Set, Grow
  108. Rev Up Your Business Selling Beyond Price
  109. Sharing Solutions
  110. Share the Vision!
  111. Shaping the Future
  112. Showtime!
  113. Success Oriented
  114. Shoot for the Stars!
  115. Strategies for Success
  116. Success through Synergy
  117. Service You Can Trust
  118. Switch It On
  119. Swing for the Fence!
  120. Team (Name of Company)
  121. Together Towards Tomorrow
  122. The Challenge of Change
  123. The Power of You
  124. The _____________ Experience
  125. The Pride and the Promise
  126. Takin’ It to the Streets
  127. The Power of Performances

Need assistance developing a unique theme around your corporate meeting or event? Our network of meeting and event professionals are available to help. Contact us!

What to Look For From Hotels When Booking a Live Event After COVID-19 Lockdown.

What to Look For From Hotels When Booking a Live Event After COVID-19 Lockdown.


In the past, commercial cleaning has traditionally been outsourced and not really thought about. Now, janitorial services are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Every business needs to put a cleaning plan in place, rather than just handing it off.

While pandemic-related legislature changes continue to be made, event planners and venues need to stay aware to properly prepare for live events.

Here is what to look for:

Stronger Cleaning Protocol

Hotels have increased the intensity and frequency of their cleaning regimes. Some are upgrading their cleaning solutions to hospital-grade products or using new technology like electrostatic sprayers.

Shari Cedar, VP of AK Building Services, a commercial cleaning company based out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, says electrostatic sprayers are giving large spaces a germ-free start, a clean slate SO TO SPEAK. She explains similar to how lint sticks to our clothes, a disinfectant sprayed with this tool is electrostatically charged to wrap around surfaces that could be missed with a manual clean. Not only this, but they are incredibly effective at killing germs, bacteria, and viruses.

“Let your attendees know that you have gone above and beyond to create a janitorial strategy for cleaning and disinfecting your meeting space. This way they can focus on your event and not worry about germs.” Says Shari Cedar.

Commercial cleaning companies already focus on high touch areas, but they will now be hyper-vigilant. For example, door handles, light switches, remote controls, reception and registration areas, and bathrooms will be getting extra attention. Ms. Cedar also suggests that day porters be used during the event to stay on top of DISINFECTING THROUGHOUT the course of events. While they may add to the cost, they are well worth the peace of mind.

Being Proactive

It’s important to know how many people are expected to attend the event, how large a space is needed, and what is in the space. “Less is more” will be a new mantra as hardwood floors and curtain-less windows will be easier to clean.

Ms. Cedar recommends walking through the flow of the event to determine what may be high-touch areas and to uncover any areas that could cause hidden problems, such as a lack of trash receptacles, or where they could be easily overflowing with paper waste like tissues or paper towels.

Ask the venue what their cleaning protocol is and if it fits with your expectations. Make sure the cleaning supplies being used are effective and  EPA approved to kill COVID-19. In addition, the janitorial staff must have the proper training to make sure the products are being correctly applied per the manufacturer’s specifications. Proper “kill time” (the time the product must sit on a surface to ensure bacteria and viruses are eliminated), and ventilation are important for safety.

Cleaning and disinfecting are two different processes and both need to happen. Cleaning removes trash, debris, dirt, and dust while disinfecting focuses on reducing or eliminating pathogens that could cause illness. Manual cleaning should be done every evening, and if the budget allows, the application of the electrostatic disinfecting spray is recommended as a fresh start each day of the event.

Personal Protection Equipment

All staff, whether event staff or cleaning crews should be prepared with the proper Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Additionally, if you will be providing PPE to participants, be sure to have a sufficient supply including a backup supply. This can include gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, and antibacterial soap. Supplies may be limited, so plan ahead.

As hotels prepare to host events, and live events once more begin to schedule, we expect to see more shifts in how venues, event planners, hospitality, janitorial, and attendees come together to make changes for the greater good of health and safety.

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Adding Virtual Events to Your Meeting Repertoire

Adding Virtual Events to Your Meeting Repertoire

If you haven’t already incorporated virtual events into your business repertoire, the current COVID-19 pandemic almost certainly has you considering doing so. While right now virtual events may replace live meetings by necessity, you may find that they become an integral part of your business even when in-person events are possible once again.

When done right, virtual events can be a huge asset to your business and increase your audience and reach. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding how to structure a virtual event:

Choose the right event type

Virtual events come in all different forms, including pre-recorded or live-streamed webinars, virtual conferences, and teleconference-style meetings, among others. Be sure to choose the format that best fits your goals. For example, a pre-recorded webinar or a Livestream video may be very effective for lecture-based events, but will not suffice for an interactive event that requires two-way communication.

Ensure you have adequate technology

Be sure to choose the right platform, and test it before going live with the event. Does your chosen platform allow for two-way communication, if that’s what you need? Is your audio and video equipment sufficient to provide a quality listening and viewing experience for participants?

Use the right collaboration tools

Collaboration tools are a component of technology that will help you work with your team through a centralized information-sharing hub. This includes products like, which while not used specifically for virtual events, will help with remote team organization and management leading up to and following the meeting.

Remember to market your event and get creative about alternatives.

Switching your annual conference to a virtual event this year? Make sure your event website and registration forms reflect the changes and answer participants’ questions about what technology is needed on their end. Get creative: do you need a new marketing mechanism to reach your ideal participants? Is there a way to send participants an e-gift rather than the swag bag they would’ve received in person?

Manage expectations

Your electronic meetings will never provide the same intimacy as an in-person event allows. Networking will be more difficult, and less organic. It is important that you keep these constraints in mind and communicate them ahead of time to participants.

Allow for feedback.

Provide a mechanism for participants to tell you what they thought of your event. This will help you move forward with a long-term plan for effectively including more virtual events.

How Meetings Will Change Post-Pandemic

How Meetings Will Change Post-Pandemic


As in-person events begin to come back onto our schedules, venues will be looking to provide health and safety-focused policies and procedures. These can include cancellation clauses, social distancing measures, virtual meeting add-ons, enhanced cleaning protocol, and more.

Many of these steps will be to ensure live events can still happen while also keeping participants and event staff safe. Here are some of the changes we expect to see post-pandemic.

Social Distancing Measures

It is likely that until it’s determined we are past the possible second wave, social distancing measures will be encouraged. This means venues may find themselves using larger spaces to accommodate fewer people. The cost of these larger spaces may make a live event cost prohibited, however, so new solutions will need to be developed.

Teller-style windows, remote pay stations, and technology will likely play a larger part in event management. Areas, where groups may gather, will likely be restricted or distanced, such as limiting the number of people in an elevator or separating those waiting in lines.

Heightened Sanitation

Some hotels have already announced their new health and sanitation measures. Businesses are placing hand sanitizer stations at entrances and exits to encourage personal hygiene. Many venues may require wearing masks. Additional signage about recommended or mandated safety precautions are likely to stay in place to educate participants.

Shared spaces such as taxis, registration tables, and bell carts will be wiped down more frequently. More staff trained in proper sanitation procedures are likely to be working events and may even be more visible or prominent.

Changes in Dining Options

Buffet-style meals will likely be replaced with to-go or cash and carry models. In-room dining may become a better option for those who don’t want to wait for tables at restaurants with reduced dining room capacity. Self-service options may be monitored.

Open-air and outdoor spaces will likely be more popular to help with adequate airflow.

Overall, as consumers, we will have cleaner spaces and more distance between those not in our party. Those of us in travel, tourism, and hospitality will have increased focus on sanitation and disaster preparedness as we begin to open our doors and adjust, as we always do. These new measures will evolve to create more innovation that allows us to delight guests and generate revenues for decades to come.