5 Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Hybrid Events

5 Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Hybrid Events


While hybrid events are very much here to stay, that doesn’t mean that it’s always a seamless transition from in-person events, to online events, to events combining the best of both worlds. The challenges of hybrid meetings make many organizations hesitant to introduce them to their audiences. Still, the good news is that there is plenty you can do to overcome these challenges and support all your attendees, whether they are with you in person or joining remotely. No matter what your concerns may be, here are five ways for you to overcome the challenges of hybrid meetings and events.

Hybrid Event Challenge #1: Planning Two Events

When planning your first hybrid event, it may feel like you’re planning two events: one for in-person attendees and one for online attendees. If you’re not careful, it will indeed feel like two disparate meetings and not a single seamless hybrid event.

Choosing a meeting platform that supports both approaches seamlessly is essential to support a unified event experience, both online and offline. In particular, this means connecting your in-person and remote attendees, both with each other and with the speakers and presenters, to ensure that nobody feels left out and to maintain a high-quality experience across the board.

It’s also important not to go overboard with experimental features at the expense of attendee satisfaction and engagement. Working with a hybrid event planning expert will help you choose the right event technology to support your goals without draining your budget – which is easily done when you first transition to hybrid meetings.

Hybrid Event Challenge #2: Setting Prices for Events

Many event organizers struggle with event pricing when they switch to hybrid events. This is one of the critical challenges of hybrid meetings because you want to ensure that pricing is fair but also reflects the differing experiences of in-person and remote attendees. For example, remote attendees won’t receive any catering as part of their ticket, so they would usually expect this to be reflected in their ticket price.

If this is your main hybrid event challenge, consider using a tiered approach to pricing. This puts the onus on the attendee to decide on the value of a particular event or experience. For instance, you may offer tickets to in-person attendees for $100, with tickets for remote attendees priced at $75. This allows the attendees to choose the event experience that best suits them without isolating any group.

Where prices differ between in-person and online tickets for your hybrid event, it is worth setting out precisely what each event experience entails. For instance, will remote attendees still be able to participate in networking sessions? What catering will be provided for in-person attendees? Being transparent and upfront about what attendees can expect from each experience will make it easier to justify your pricing tiers and for attendees to select the right ticket.

Hybrid Event Challenge #3: Connecting Online and Onsite Attendees.

One of the major hybrid meeting challenges for event organizers is ensuring that online and onsite attendees are equally engaged and included in activities throughout the event. Online attendees won’t be happy if they are excluded from many of the onsite activities, so it’s important to carefully consider your choice of event technology to maximize involvement and increase engagement at every stage of your event program.

Usually, this means paying extra attention to the online experience, which can often feel like a poor substitute for the in-person experience. Working with a hybrid event planning expert will help you leverage your event platform to set up virtual networking lounges, incorporate tablets onsite to ensure a better connection between onsite and offsite attendees, create social media feeds and replicate in-person resources digitally to ensure maximum inclusion.

A key time to consider is meal breaks. If your in-person attendees break for a catered lunch, what will happen to your remote attendees? Instead of presenting them with a blank screen for an hour, perhaps you could create digital breakout rooms for online networking or allow online attendees to book a time to speak with your event’s presenters. This will help you create equal networking opportunities for all attendees.

Hybrid Event Challenge #4: Catering to Different Time Zones

One of the main hybrid event benefits is the ability to open up your event to attendees outside your immediate area, which significantly expands your global reach. However, this brings with it the challenge of catering to multiple time zones.

Of course, your hybrid event timings will be tied to the onsite experience on a practical level. You can’t expect in-person attendees to turn up to your venue at 11 pm to cater to your online global audience! However, there are ways to overcome this common challenge of hybrid meetings.

Running the event at different times over multiple days (for instance, a Monday afternoon and a Tuesday morning) will help you catch more of your global audience at a suitable time. You may also consider running key sessions more than once for remote attendees or creating on-demand sessions that can be accessed when it suits remote employees.

The beauty of hybrid events means that even in-person attendees can attend online when necessary. Many event organizers choose to run live sessions at a time when the most attendees can participate, which may not sync up with your local time zone. If this is the case, anyone outside the target time zone can watch the session at a more suitable time, leave comments, and ask questions ready for follow-up at a later time.

Hybrid Event Challenge #5: Proving Value to Event Sponsors

Hybrid meetings are still a relatively new concept, meaning many event sponsors are unsure of the benefits it may provide them. However, your hybrid events should be presented as a huge opportunity for sponsors to maximize their investment with widespread brand exposure.

Today’s hybrid meeting platforms allow full customization, supporting digital banner displays and realistic virtual booth environments. Online scheduling apps support “virtual matchmaking” for attendees. Opting for both in-person and online experiences means that you can target a much wider audience, which can only be a plus for your event sponsors.

An added advantage to hybrid meetings is that virtual attendee traffic can be more easily tracked and recorded. You can track who visits your “virtual booths,” who clicks on banners, and what content people are interacting with, which provides you with valuable data to pass onto your event sponsors. This helps you turn one of the challenges of hybrid meetings into a powerful opportunity to understand your attendees better and keep your event sponsors happy as an added bonus.

Looking for more tips to overcome the challenges of hybrid events?

Our Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Events reveals how organizations like yours are embracing hybrid event experiences to meet the needs of today’s attendees – no matter where they are.

The Top 6 Hybrid Events Benefits

The Top 6 Hybrid Events Benefits


If you’ve made the switch to hybrid events in the last two years, like the rest of the world, you may be wondering what the impact might be on your overall event strategy and how to proceed now that the world is starting to open up again. Or perhaps you’ve ceased all events entirely and now want to dive into the world of hybrid events. Either way, we’ve got you covered with our top 6 hybrid events benefits.

Hybrid Events Benefit #1: Improved Audience Engagement

One of the major hybrid events benefits is the ability to significantly boost audience engagement, which will hopefully lead to your desired action (such as increased sales, customer loyalty, or improved staff performance.) Hybrid events give your attendees the flexibility to decide exactly how they want to engage, which may include:

  • Live Q&A sessions – many people don’t feel comfortable speaking up in front of a large group, so hybrid events ensure that everyone has the chance to ask questions and have their say by typing questions into the online chat or Q&A box
  • Gamification – many virtual event platforms today include gamification add-ons, including trivia, competitions, and escape rooms, enhancing the experience for virtual attendees and boosting audience engagement
  • Live polling – presenters can conduct polls among attendees in the room but also replicate the poll for virtual attendees to capture everyone’s thoughts and opinions
  • Live chat – virtual attendees can participate in the in-person conversation by chatting to other attendees in the online chat
  • Small-group breakouts – while your in-person attendees break out into smaller groups to discuss a topic, your virtual attendees can do the same. The presenter can quickly split your online audience into small groups so that they can benefit from the same discussions with their peers
  • Networking sessions – virtual attendees often feel that they are missing out on the networking opportunities that take place at in-person events. One of the top hybrid events benefits is replicating the in-person networking experience virtually, allowing your online attendees to engage in group conversations or break away into separate “rooms” for one-to-one conversations

Hybrid Events Benefit #2: Extended Reach

Switching to hybrid and virtual events exponentially increases the reach of your events. Suddenly, you go from inviting attendees in your immediate area to welcoming guests from all over the world. However, this extended reach must be managed properly. If you’re looking to open up your hybrid events to an extended audience, here are some key considerations to bear in mind:

  • Consider time zones – always include time zones in your schedules and plan networking and group events with global audiences in mind. That 11 am meeting may work well for your in-person attendees but less well for virtual attendees halfway around the world. This means understanding your desired and potential audience and ensuring you accommodate as many time zones as possible to ensure that global groups don’t feel left out.
  • Think about what additional security might be required – hybrid and virtual events can be susceptible to intruders, and running multiple concurrent in-person events (perhaps joined together virtually) will multiply your in-person event security
  • Adapt the flow of the event – breaking your event down into smaller segments will help you cater to your wider audience. Perhaps you could restructure the day to allow attendees in different time zones to attend the most relevant parts of your event (such as moving discussions relevant to European attendees to the start of the day to allow them to attend in their afternoon), or clearly publicize the agenda to help virtual attendees understand which segments they should attend.

Hybrid Events Benefit #3: Faster Time To Market

When you switch to hybrid events, you can benefit from enhanced business agility. Opting for hybrid and virtual events means that you no longer need to wait for everyone to be in the same room. Instead, you can gather people together to make the critical decisions that keep your business moving no matter where they are.

This faster time to market is one of the benefits of the hybrid event, as you can collaborate on product launches, advisory boards, feature release meetings, and more without having to fly stakeholders to a single location to talk in person. The sooner you can get people talking and aligned on key issues, the faster you can bring your initiatives to market and start reaping the rewards.

Hybrid Events Benefit #4: Improved ROI

One of the biggest hybrid events benefits is the improved ROI. A hybrid event strategy may enable you to reduce the spending on in-person events, which can significantly impact the overall cost of your events.

Hybrid events also allow you to harness the power of both in-person and virtual experiences. Not only can you address the needs of attendees in your immediate area, but you can also expand the reach of your event and make it easier for people to attend remotely. This keeps travel, accommodation, venue, catering, and resource budgets down, while still providing an engaging, highly tailored experience for your remote attendees.

Unforeseen circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions or last-minute changes and cancelations (which are more common than ever in the post-pandemic world), can have a significant impact on your events budget, so having the option to pivot to a hybrid events model at the last minute will provide “insurance” to make sure your event goes ahead no matter what.

Another of the benefits of hybrid events includes the ability to open up your event to additional sponsorships. A major sponsor based elsewhere in the country (or world) is unlikely to sponsor your local, in-person event. Still, if they know that you are catering to a broader audience, you may have more success in securing more sponsors.

Hybrid Events Benefit #5: More Choice and Flexibility

Potentially the top hybrid event benefit is the extra choice and flexibility afforded to organizations adopting a hybrid meeting model. This applies to meeting planners, presenters, event sponsors, guest speakers, and attendees. Instead of limiting yourself to a specific venue, a limited guest list, and a strict agenda, hybrid and virtual events give you many more options in terms of the type and format of the events you host.

Some attendees will be excited to travel to a new destination and network with their peers in person. Others may not have the time or inclination to travel but want to hear from your speakers. Providing your attendees with the choice to attend in the way that suits them means that the hybrid events model ticks all the boxes.

As well as providing extra flexibility to attendees, it also gives you as an organizer the opportunity to engage with a wider range of speakers and presenters. In-demand speakers may not be able to travel internationally to speak at your event, but a hybrid event means that they can join by video link to address both in-person and virtual attendees. This gives organizers huge potential to attract renowned global speakers to attract even more attendees.

Hybrid Events Benefit #6: More Sustainable Events

 Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important for event organizers. Going green is no longer a vanity campaign; it’s a necessity. Hybrid events reduce the carbon footprint of having everyone onsite by eliminating travel costs for a proportion of your audience.

Public transport can be encouraged for local in-person attendees, while attendees based further afield have the option to join in virtually. With the right hybrid event setup, remote attendees won’t feel like they are missing out on the in-person action, and you will reduce your environmental impact without reducing your event’s impact.

One way to maximize the sustainability of your event is to reduce the cost of tickets for virtual attendees and explain the sustainability benefits of attending virtually. You could also explicitly tell your hybrid attendees how you will be ensuring the event’s sustainability for everyone, including encouraging the use of public transport, providing digital-only resources, and sourcing local food for the catering.

Ready to learn more about hybrid events?

Download our Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Events to discover how to make the most of your meetings and enjoy these hybrid events’ benefits more.

5 Emerging Trends Affecting Hybrid Meetings

5 Emerging Trends Affecting Hybrid Meetings

If 2020 was the year of video conferencing, then 2021 (and possibly 2022) will be known as the year of hybrid meetings. With continued uncertainty surrounding global health and climate change, hybrid events will be a popular choice for corporate meetings for at least another.

While hybrid event delivery isn’t new, we’ve seen small and large businesses jump on the hybrid meeting train within the last two years. The benefits these companies have experienced convince us that hybrid events are here to stay.

First, hybrid allows companies to pivot from in-person to virtual (or somewhere in between) with confidence. Considering the increase in a remote workforce, hybrid is the perfect choice to reach a wide audience with efficiency, speed, and a smaller carbon footprint. Many companies and organizations are stepping up their environmental policies, and hybrid meetings are a great way to do this.

As we look to the future of corporate events, some emerging trends are helping justify this new way of meeting. These trends will equip you with the information to convince stakeholders of this strategy to reduce costs and improve efficiency while meeting business objectives.

Trend 1: Supporting a Remote Workforce

Work from home (WFH) had its big moment in 2020-2021. Today, WFH is being touted as one of the greatest company benefits and has broken the ceiling for finding the best talent. In the fall and winter of 2021, nearly 60% of the workforce was remote. Global Workplace Analytics predicts that up to one-third of the U.S. workforce will remain WFH one or more days per week after the pandemic.

Businesses that can support WFH will reap the benefits of reduced office space (and rent), the ability to hire from a wider pool of applicants, and increased productivity. Several studies on the effects of the pandemic reported that, on average, those who work from home spend 10 minutes less a day being unproductive, work one more day a week, and are 47% more productive.

But not all businesses can support 100% remote. In addition, not all workers want to WFH. Hybrid technology provides the best of both worlds and provides tools for conducting business on a large and small scale. Many companies are using this platform for interviewing, onboarding, training, and team collaboration events.

Trend 2: Sustainability and Safety

Climate change is a topic in which seems to be in the headlines daily. International travel is one of the largest producers of carbon emissions and a big hot button on this topic. A two-day, 1,000 person event can generate nearly two million kgs of carbon. Virtual events drop this number significantly by reducing the need for travel and conference space by almost 80%.

Travel and energy emissions aren’t the only sustainable savings either. Replacing printed badges, paper tickets, forms, and promotional materials with digital files also create a greener event. This last year, virtual and hybrid events have seen huge shifts in digital gifts, unboxing parties, and virtual reality, all of which bring participants together without having them be in the same physical space.

When it comes to safety, physical distance and sanitation are still a top priority. However, for in-person events, maintaining a 6-foot distance while inside buildings can be challenging. Hybrid events can help keep everyone safer by keeping in-person audiences smaller while not limiting the overall size of the event. Communication, collaboration, and innovation are not compromised when the right platform and tech tools are in place.

Trend 3: Faster Time to Market and Resources

Even before the pandemic, cutting-edge companies were leveraging virtual and hybrid meetings to train their workforce, conduct proof of concept meetings, hold product feature releases and launches, and collaborate with partners. What’s different today? Hybrid is now considered a strategic way to bring products and services faster to market.

Stakeholders and program holders realize that virtual and hybrid events are more agile than in-person events in many ways. With an in-person event, there will always be a risk of cancellation due to inclement weather or other physical circumstances beyond control. Virtual and hybrid events minimize these risks dramatically.

Additionally, since hybrid/virtual events can be recorded, there is the added benefit of on-demand viewing for those absent from the meeting. These meeting recordings can be used in employee onboarding or training, providing long-lasting value.

Companies are using virtual meeting technology in creative ways to provide faster time to information, resources, and collaboration to gain a competitive edge. One company used a hybrid hub-and-spoke model to partition a large sales conference into five connected regional events, bringing representatives from around the globe. This event was one of the most well-attended events in their company history, and now is the preferred method to deliver this conference.

There are many different hybrid meeting configurations connecting speakers and facilitators to global audiences: hub-and-spoke, one event/two audiences, live events with a virtual-only audience, and more. Here’s an article on three of the most popular.

Trend 4: Increased Engagement and Personalization

One of the most important KPIs in meetings is engagement. The level of engagement and interaction is often linked to attendee satisfaction. Since hybrid seeks to connect remote audiences with on-site attendees and speakers, engagement and satisfaction are greatly enhanced. A key feature of hybrid events is collaboration. Remote attendees are encouraged (and often required) to keep their webcam on and participate via chat and audio. Today’s hybrid platforms include robust tools making it easy for audiences to participate in live polls, Q&A, and chat.

Personalization is another emerging trend that hybrid events address amazingly well. An example of this is accessibility. Screen readers, translators, and other applications are designed to support people with varying abilities and/or languages. The growing need for personalization— from food and product allergies to personal preferences—can be accomplished more easily via digital methods.

Another huge benefit of hybrid is access to event data. Many of today’s most popular digital platforms have many ways to collect pre-, during, and post-event data. This data can provide a lot of valuable intelligence to draw out actionable insights. For example, you can find out how many people attended individual sessions, visited sponsor booths, or downloaded collateral. Surveys may be used to further discover attendees’ personal preferences for even more customization at future events.

Trend 5: Promotion of the Event Experience

These days, one of the measures of success for an event is social media engagement. Just go to your Instagram or LinkedIn feed, and you’re bound to see your network sharing selfies, team photos, and other experiences while at an event. Digital event platforms allow for integrating social media feeds, hashtags, and personal mentions so that attendees can share their experiences in real-time.

Social media can be used for promotion before and after an event and is a powerful engagement tool during an event. Tagging speakers and spotlighting sessions using a hashtag can help build excitement and promote attendance. You can create social forums and social media walls to share details about sessions and speakers and connect with other attendees during an event.

Want more information on how to pull off a flawless hybrid event?

Download The Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Events, a must-have e-book chock full of the latest technology trends, engagement tips, planning tools, best practices, and more.

5 In-Person And Virtual Team Building Activities That Inspire

5 In-Person And Virtual Team Building Activities That Inspire

Whether your employees are still working remotely, they’ve moved to a hybrid working schedule, or they’re back in the workplace full-time, managers are working overtime to find ways to keep team members motivated and engaged. No matter your situation, we’ve got you covered with these five fun activities to inspire virtual, hybrid, and in-person teams.

1. Mixology & Virtual Happy Hour

Mixology and Virtual Happy Hour

Approximate Event Time: 1.5 hours
Event Type: Virtual Team-building Activity

The elements of a well-made cocktail work much like a team—it’s all in the mix. The mixology virtual team-building activity is designed as a team bonding happy hour, ideal for welcoming new hires.

How It Works 

Participants receive cocktail/mocktail kits that include premium ingredients to craft a top-notch beverage of their choice. They then attended a virtual happy hour where they are dazzled by a top-rated mixologist who shows off tricks of the trade, creating colorful elixirs.

After the demonstration, participants are instructed on how to mix their own craft beverages using the ingredients they received. While creating their concoctions, participants answer fun trivia questions. With a drink in hand, participants can close out the event in private virtual lounges to show off their cocktails and socialize with other employees.

2. Virtual Chocolate Truffle Making

Virtual Chocolate Truffle Making

Event Time: 1.5 hours
Event Type: Virtual Team-building Activity

Who doesn’t like chocolate? This fun virtual team-building activity teaches participants how to make an award-winning truffle recipe.

How It Works

A confection expert specializing in truffles teaches participants how to make this delectable dessert. Participants are sent all of the ingredients and instructions for making truffles at home. The expert baker walks the participants through making the truffle recipe step by step. Participants are encouraged to attend the event in their kitchen and actually make the truffles during the event. During the demonstration, the guest baker shares baking tips and entertains the audience with a food trivia game. This event is perfect for including family members to join in on the fun too.

3. Virtual Cookie Decorating

Virtual Cooking Decorating

Event Time: 1 hour
Event Type: Hybrid Team-building Activity

One of the best things about the holidays is sweet treats. Here’s an idea to turn cookie decorating into a friendly competition among co-workers.

How it Works 

For this hybrid team-building activity, participants are sent plain sugar cookies, various edible decorations, and a theme for decorating. This event is perfect for holding during lunch hour and in an office area where teams can work together to decorate their cookies. Choose someone with a knack for cookie decorating to lead the event via teleconference, provide encouragement, and share tips and tricks.

Once participants are finished decorating their cookies, they take photos and post them to an event #hashtag on social media. The cookies are judged by either a select panel or by their peers. Winners received an award.

Not only is this a fantastic team-building event, but great social media engagement activity for the company.

4. Virtual or In-Person Art Class

Event Time: 1.5 hours
Event Type: Virtual or In-Person Team-building Activity

How it Works 

Bring together in-person and virtual employees with a fun art class! The beauty of team-building art classes is that they’re super flexible and can be tailored to each individual group. For in-person attendees, all you need is someone to lead the session, a free space, and a whole bunch of art materials. For virtual attendees, send the materials to their homes before the event, get them to dial in via video call to watch the leader, and let them participate from home.

Fun examples of team-building art classes include self-portraits, still life (don’t forget to focus the camera on the assembled items for your virtual attendees!), collages, watercolor, or let your imaginations run wild with some out-there abstract art. For a bit of extra fun, why not create an “exhibition” of the finished artwork so everyone can vote for their favorite? Your winning artist can then be awarded a prize – and as an added bonus, you have plenty of new art to decorate your workspace!

Even those who haven’t touched a paintbrush since school will inevitably find themselves having fun!

5. Human Bingo

Event Time: 15 minutes
Event Type: In-Person Team-building Activity

How it Works 

This is a great activity for relatively new teams or those who may have only just returned to the workplace after working remotely. It gets people talking to colleagues they may not usually cross paths with, and it’s a great way for everyone to get to know each other. It is also a relatively quick activity, so can take place at the start of a meeting or when you’re short on time.

The premise is simple. Everyone is given a bingo card with a series of statements, such as “Has green eyes,” “Has a pet parrot,” “Has worked here for 10+ years,” and “Plays the cello” – these will be tailored to the team. Participants are then told to stand up and move around the room to discover which of their colleagues check the boxes and mark them off on their cards. The first person to find which statement matches which colleague shouts “Bingo!” and is declared the winner.

This makes the most of the in-person environment, and if you get everyone to submit their “facts” about themselves before the meeting, this is a budget-friendly, easy activity to set up. Win-win!

Need a Team Building Idea to Spark Motivation for Your Team?

American Meetings, Inc. has dozens of ideas for team building, problem-solving, or good old-fashioned fun! Our number one goal is to deliver an event that attendees find relevant, educational, and most of all memorable.

Contact Us Today for a Complimentary Consultation.

Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf & Beach Resort

Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf & Beach Resort

The Grand Rio Mar Resort offers amazing amenities and embraces the community by fulfilling its corporate social responsibility. Today’s guest is Evy Garcia, the Director of Sales & Marketing at Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort. She sits down with host Andy McNeill to discuss the many beautiful offerings of this luxurious event destination. From scenic views courtesy of its ocean-side location backdropped by the beautiful El Yunque National Forest, there’s plenty of areas to explore and enjoy. Evy also shares how they’ve helped restore and reforest the area after the destruction caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria. With the help of the community, the guests, and the resort itself, the forest has been reopened and enjoyed by many ever since. Learn more about the many programs offered by Wyndham Grand Rio to care for its nature and the abundant recreational activities to enjoy in Puerto Rico in this episode of Destination Everywhere!

Andy McNeill and Todd Bludworth are travel and hospitality entrepreneurs and owners of the global meetings organization, American Meetings, Inc. From sourcing hotels to corporate event management around the world, their team selects corporate event venues and meeting planners for a wide array of enterprise business clients, providing ideas for convention themes and strategies for running global meetings and events. Learn more at www.mtgshealth.wpengine.com.

Watch the episode here:

Grand Rio Mar Resort

In this special spotlight episode of Destination Everywhere, Andy McNeill is joined by Evy Garcia of Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort overseeing the 400-room hotel, two world-class golf courses, the country club, and the Rio Mar community. They discuss the destination’s luxurious amenities and how they’re giving back to the community by taking care of its nature.

The Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort is located on the northeastern side of the island of Puerto Rico, just half an hour from the airport. A convenient location for tourists and non-natives who are not familiar with the landscape. The entire hotel sits right on the ocean backdropped by the El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical rainforest in the United States forest system. You are assured of a scenic view from every direction. The beautiful rainforest offers guests various activities such as a relaxed walk around the forest to enjoy and immerse in nature. You can also scale the area and go to the towers to enjoy the beautiful views and vegetation all around. If you’re looking for an adventure, you can opt for a hike around the area for a chance to dip into the waterfalls within the rainforest.

Wondering about what creatures you might encounter? The resort also offers birdwatching activities for you to enjoy and satisfy your curiosities. If you listen closely, the sound of coqui frogs, native in Puerto Rico, roaming around the forest. You have the opportunity to enjoy both fauna and flora without leaving the resort premises.

Another activity you can enjoy across the wide area of the resort is horseback riding. You can follow a trail to the creek in the rainforest, which also flows and connects to the golf course and the river.

With the devastation left behind by hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar people took it upon themselves to embrace the rainforest to rehabilitate and reopen it. With that followed other community-serving programs such as tree-planting and clean-up trails to continually liven the rain forest. The resort has deemed it part of its corporate social responsibility to consistently encourage planting trees in the area and take care of the creeks and trails. After all that work, volunteers reap their rewards by enjoying the beautiful freshwater pools from the waterfalls with free meals courtesy of the resort.

The resort also offers other fun activities to help you get in touch with nature. There’s an annual project surrounding turtle nesting where we welcome leatherback turtles and secure the areas so that when the hatchlings are ready to go, the guests can help bring them back into the ocean safely. For some interaction available all year round, the resort also offers iguana feeding for the whole family to enjoy safely. It is an exciting opportunity to commune and see the magnificent beauty of nature in action.

The Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf and Beach Resort boasts two great golf courses and spacious tennis centers. The resort offers spa services and yoga classes for businesspeople or even family members looking to relax. You can also enjoy mixology classes and a unique rum tasting experience immersed in Puerto Rican culture and music for more fun adult activities. You may also join in the feasts of the coffee for when the beans are ready for harvest in the different plantations. You can also experience the longest Christmas in the world as well as the San Sebastian Street Festival from November to January with artistic, musical days and wild carnival nights.

About Evy Garcia

DE 50 | Grand Rio Mar ResortJoining the Wyndham Grand family in March 2018, Evy Garcia has led the communications initiatives for Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf & Beach Resort as the Director of Sales & Marketing overseeing the 400-room hotel, two world-class golf courses, country club, and the Rio Mar community. With over 20 years of expertise in the hospitality industry at Caribbean resorts, and as a corporate planner, Evy is a seasoned marketing veteran who has been at the forefront of major business strategies while navigating several crises. Prior to joining Wyndham, Evy led the sales team at El Conquistador, A Waldorf Astoria Resort.

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