AMI is an Official Sponsor and Exhibitor of the 14th Annual Pharma Forum

AMI is an Official Sponsor and Exhibitor of the 14th Annual Pharma Forum

American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) is excited to be a corporate sponsor of the 14th Annual Pharma Forum being held March 25-28 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown in Philadelphia, PA. In addition, AMI will have a table in the exhibit hall where clients will visit and network with AMI leadership in order to learn more about our role at the Forum and how we plan to improve and expand our services moving forward.

As a global meeting services organization, AMI represents many clients in the pharmaceutical industry, planning hundreds of meetings and events including Advisory Boards, Congresses, HCP Meetings, Internal Meetings, Investigator Meetings, Product Launches, Speaker Trainings, and more. We constantly seek out opportunities to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, discover new resources, and develop relationships that will enhance our ability to create winning strategies and best serve the needs of our clients.

The Annual Pharma Forum provides an excellent opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, insights, and connections for the benefit of our pharmaceutical clients. What’s it all about and what do we hope to gain from sponsoring, exhibiting, and attending this event?

What is the Annual Pharma Forum?

The Annual Pharma Forum is “the world’s leading life sciences meeting management conference”, featuring industry-leading speakers; expert panels; topics exploring new technology, compliance challenges, and best practices; and of course, breakout sessions and opportunities for one-on-one networking with medical and pharmaceutical clients, suppliers, and third-party meeting and event organizers.

What are Some of the Highlights This Year?

This year’s Pharma Forum includes a variety of notable speakers and timely topics. Cat Greenleaf will host Talk Stoop Live with Rolf Benirschke, Laurie Cooke will discuss tips to reinvigorate a career path, and a panel of expert speakers from American Express Meetings & Events, Javits Center, Marriott International and FBI/NYPD will discuss safety, security, and risk management.

Additional topics include industry best practices, notable technologies, and collaborations between corporations and third-party planners. Opportunities for networking and tapping into the shared resources of the Pharma Forum community round out event activities.

How Will AMI Clients Benefit?

AMI is excited to learn about challenges and innovations affecting the pharmaceutical and adjacent industries, as well as the impact to collaborations with third-party service providers like meeting and event planners. While there, we look forward to learning, participating, networking and meeting with potential new clients to explore new insights and opportunities. Feel free to stop by our table in the exhibit hall to meet the AMI Team!

AMI is Attending the 2018 WBENC Summit & Salute

AMI is Attending the 2018 WBENC Summit & Salute

American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) is proud to be attending the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Summit & Salute being held March 20-22, 2018 at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, TX. As a certified diverse supplier, we seek out opportunities to participate in and support diversity events like this conference, and we hope to network with other diverse suppliers across industries in order to perpetuate an environment of tolerance and collaboration that respects and celebrates the unique contributions of professionals from every walk of life.

AMI wholeheartedly agrees with the WBENC theme “Join forces, succeed together”, which embraces the notion of fostering relationships and expanding networks to create new job opportunities, explore new channels of revenue, and ultimately, fuel economic growth. We are also incredibly excited to attend an event that centers on diversity, focusing primarily on female business owners and staff, as well as corporate executives and representatives from government agencies and advocacy groups, among others.

What Does This Event Entail?

This conference provides opportunities to learn from corporate visionaries within the WBENC network during industry-focused workshop sessions, with plenty of industries and topics to choose from each day. These sessions are designed to inform, inspire, and celebrate the successes of WBEs. The conference also provides ample opportunity for networking and development during meetings, luncheons, and receptions, including 1:1 Matchmaker Meetings with corporate and government business partners, as well as business owners, procurement representatives, and suppliers.

What are AMI’s Goals in Attending?

At AMI, we are proud to participate in events that celebrate diversity, which is one of the many reasons we’re so pleased to attend the WBENC Summit & Salute. During the Summit, we hope to connect with a growing network of women entrepreneurs in a diverse array of industries, including leaders in banking, energy, finance, government, healthcare, logistics, retail, telecommunications, transportation, travel, and more.

With expert speakers, workshop sessions, and networking receptions, the WBENC Summit & Salute provides the opportunity to celebrate the successes of women in enterprise, learn from their expertise and insight, and build bridges that create a stronger future. This is only to the benefit of AMI and all of our clients.

We also plan to meet with our Billion Dollar Round Table member partners during the conference in preparation for their annual conference in the fall. We look forward to networking with our partners at the WBENC Summit & Salute in Dallas, TX.

Why FOMO Is a Major Drive for Your Prospective Attendees

Why FOMO Is a Major Drive for Your Prospective Attendees

Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) is not a new concept, but the persistence of FOMO in today’s online culture of sharing is perhaps far greater than in generations past. Anyone in generation X or older is likely familiar with the notion of keeping up with the Joneses, or the idea that you need a new car, television, or material product to equal the one your neighbors have. For millennials raised on social media and online sharing, however, FOMO is measured in an altogether different social currency, one that involves showing the value of a life well-lived through posting updates and pics.

Says Aurelio DeMendoza, SR VP Marketing, and Strategic Alliances at AMI, “Now, more than ever, people want to feel connected and involved. Even though virtual communications have opened doors across the globe, people still crave that intimate human connection that can only occur in face-to-face settings. Then they want to share these experiences virtually to gain social standing.”

Everyone wants to be the first to share an amazing experience, and nobody wants to feel like they’re the only one missing out. As a meeting or conference organizer, it behooves you to use this social dynamic to your advantage. How can you capitalize on FOMO in order to hype your events, boost registration, and increase event prestige in the process?

Discuss FOMO andSocial Media with your Certified Meeting Planner

Let’s be clear about one very important point. You can’t create FOMO in this day and age if your event does not begin and end with social media presence. Traditional and even online marketing, promotion, and outreach cannot create the social buzz you crave if you don’t include social media efforts in your event planning and management strategy.

Social media allows for unique promotional and recruitment opportunities. Not only can you easily keep leads and event attendees apprised of up-to-date information with notifications across multiple platforms, but you can use your social media accounts to tease guests and activities, encourage sharing, and build FOMO.

If you’re unfamiliar with the best ways to use social media to promote and elevate your event before, during, and after the fact, working with an expert certified meeting planner from a global meeting services organization like American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) is a great place to start. The professionals at AMI are qualified to help you come up with a successful strategy for a social promotion that fosters FOMO and boosts results.

Work with Your Conference Organizer to Craft the Event Experience

Sharing is a major part of the online experience, especially when it comes to social media, and you want to find ways to encourage event attendees to do some of your promotion for you by buying into the overall experience. This means you need to create a story that gives your attendees a starring role.

Your conference organizer can help you to craft a compelling story, so to speak. It begins with social promotion tailored to your event, including logistical elements like easy and memorable hashtags, as well as reasons to share, such as notable guests, innovative activities, trending topics, and engaging promotional posts like pics and videos.

Collaboration between the event host and certified meeting planner when creating the story of an event can lead to a cohesive and engaging overall experience before the event even happens. With proper tracking, you can use contributions from the online community to promote the story, increase authenticity, and create a sense of FOMO.

Create an Atmosphere of Exclusivity

A big part of FOMO is the idea that something is exclusive, and therefore rare. Even if your events will accommodate hundreds or thousands of attendees, and even if you host it, say, annually, you need to create an atmosphere of exclusivity if you want to amp up the FOMO.

How can you accomplish this goal? There are several tactics to consider, including limiting slots for attendees (or artificially creating demand), nabbing high-profile guest speakers or performers, bumping prices, and generally finding a way to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Just consider what people will pay to attend the Super Bowl, even though it happens every year. How can you and your conference organizer encourage demand and create FOMO for your event?

Increase Engagement and Encourage Ambassadorship

FOMO relies somewhat on the people who attend your event showing others how great it is and what they’re missing out on. For your part, you can encourage social sharing and elevate event attendees who share by creating share-worthy moments and displays, as well as promote attendee posts.

Partnering with a certified meeting planner from an organization like AMI gives you access to the resources and expertise you need to create an event that infers social currency on those who attend and share their experience while instilling a feeling of FOMO in anyone who misses it.

AMI Is Attending SAP Ariba Live

AMI Is Attending SAP Ariba Live

American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) is pleased to announce our participation at SAP Ariba Live event in Las Vegas March 5-7, 2018. This event is an opportunity to learn and grow within our industry, developing new skills, resources, and network connections that allow us to provide the best possible services to our procurement partners moving forward.

What is SAP Ariba and why is the SAP Ariba Live event valuable to AMI and its clients? Here’s what you should know about the benefits our organization hopes to gain and how we plan to pass them along to you, our valued partners.

What is SAP Ariba?

SAP Ariba is a purveyor of professional software solutions focused on cloud procurement and supply chain management. Their holistic approach includes not only the logistics and transactions involved in procurement but also managing relationships with suppliers and customers to create long-term partnerships and positive outcomes.

With sensible automation, opportunities for effective communications and meaningful connections, and measures to ensure efficient and error-free transactions, SAP Ariba aims to grease the wheels of commerce and dramatically improve the procurement process through comprehensive software solutions.

What is SAP Ariba Live?

The SAP Ariba Live event is focused on procurement solutions and is intended to introduce attendees to innovative digital solutions that enhance the procurement process, as well as explore industry-specific challenges, discuss best practices, and generally provide insights that improve business organizations. Keynote speakers are selected to deliver information specific to procurement professionals and others utilizing the SAP Ariba solution, while SAP Ariba experts are on hand to help attendees explore solutions to specific problems.

What are the Benefits of Attendance?

AMI is always seeking opportunities to deepen our knowledge, develop our skill set, and take advantage of resources that are going to enhance our ability to serve our clients. In addition, AMI will be meeting with current and new procurement partners throughout the week. This is a mission we share with SAP Ariba, which is why we feel this event will provide a valuable opportunity to improve our platform and operations, creating new opportunities to better serve you when it comes to planning and executing successful events.

SAP Ariba Live includes access to industry leaders, SAP experts, and untold networking opportunities with potential business partners. We expect that the results of attending this event will be multifaceted and include developing a deeper understanding of the SAP Ariba platform, exploring digital solutions that will improve our business operations, and potentially building relationships with an expanding network of partners.

This can only help us to better serve you and ensure the most innovative, productive, and cost-effective solutions to your event planning needs. The more we learn, the more you benefit, which is why AMI continues to seek out and attend value-driven events like SAP Ariba Live.

Try our two-pronged approach to effective network building in the meetings industry

Try our two-pronged approach to effective network building in the meetings industry

By now, most of us know that effective business development and networking requires a two-pronged approach. You need to put your best foot forward not only in the physical world of face-to-face networking (meetings and conferences), but also in the digital world of social networking.

Networking events such as AMI’s upcoming Global Procurement Day on October 5, are potentially lucrative opportunities for developing new relationships and securing face-to-face meetings with key decision-makers.

Our focus here is on the online front and we’re happy to offer some valuable tips for strengthening your digital presence and social marketing efforts. These activities do take a bit of effort and time, but the return on your investment can be considerable.

Let’s take a closer look at two business social network powerhouses and how to get the most out of them—LinkedIn (of course) and the American Meetings Network, our online platform and social network. And remember: Starting small is fine and usually recommended. Just get started!


To be successful on LinkedIn you need to do three things:
1) Create a strong profile that represents you on your best day;
2) Create useful and engaging content that is begging to be liked and shared;
3) Grow your following (constantly)

  1. Create a strong profile

Likely the best place to start is by making sure that your LinkedIn company page is complete. Be sure that it includes your logo, a background photo, and all pertinent company information (for example, URL, year founded, size, specialties). Include enough detail so that your potential customers and partners get a clear picture of who you are and what you offer.

  1. Create useful and engaging content

Once your company profile is in good shape, you’ll want to regularly share updates. These can be job postings, company news, industry perspectives, or just about anything else that would be of interest to your audience. Think about sharing content that your followers will “like” and ideally share. Company updates can take many forms, including text and links; images; SlideShare presentations, or a YouTube video. If you’re not sure what makes the most sense for your company, you can always check out what companies that you admire or perhaps compete with do.

If your company has ongoing initiatives or multiple facets to your work or services, you might want to consider creating one or more Showcase Pages on LinkedIn. These are basically subpages for your brand that let you share updates about that area.

  1. Build your following, constantly

Of course, if your excellent content reaches only a very small audience it will not do much for you. So, here are some tips for growing your followers and reach.

First, encourage all your employees and subcontractors to list your company page as their place of work. This will automatically sign them up as followers of your company.

Second, you can grow your followers by including a LinkedIn follow button on your website or your blog, and you can link to your company page in your email signatures. Don’t forget to invite partners or clients to follow you on LinkedIn. As long as your updates are useful to them, they’ll be thankful.

You can also grow your following by participating actively in the LinkedIn ecosystem. It is good practice to follow other companies and like, share, and comment on their updates. Another strategy is to explore and join some groups in your field. LinkedIn hosts countless Groups, which are ways for professionals with overlapping interests to connect and share ideas, questions, and updates. Participating in industry discussion groups is an opportunity to be a good citizen: helpful, kind, and knowledgeable.

The American Meetings Network

Being successful in the American Meetings Network isn’t so different from our LinkedIn tips above, but membership gets you closer to specific opportunities in your area of expertise. As a member, you get access to over 63,000 meeting planners and it includes a robust search tool. Your company, or you if you are an independent consultant, will have your own business profile and you can search the supplier directory, connect with planners, and view sourcing opportunities. Our network is one of the best places to be if you are in the meeting industry. Membership also includes access to, a social networking site.

To get the most out of American Meetings Network consider the following tips.

  1. Make sure your business profile is complete

Be sure that your profile includes the most current information and that you have taken advantage of our video interviewing service. Ask yourself whether your profile and video offer a clear picture of your company, its values and its services.

  1. Be active and engaged

We recommend that you regularly browse opportunities, and follow as many meeting planners and suppliers as possible. Our sourcing managers also send out a weekly email that includes sourcing opportunities. And check for upcoming events and other news.

  1. Come to Global Procurement Day.

AMI’s Global Procurement Day on October 5 in Fort Lauderdale is a great opportunity for suppliers who are members of the American Meetings NetworkTM to connect face-to-face, with procurement officers from Fortune 500 companies and AMI meeting planners. Face-to-face events, like this one, are essential counterpoints to digital marketing efforts. Our planners and sourcing managers come with their book of business, and they’re ready to talk and lock in suppliers. Network membership at the Prime or Plus levels includes a discounted rate to attend Global Procurement Day.

Learn more about Global Procurement Day and how to join American Meetings Network. You can also contact Josie Rubio, Director of Talent & Business Development,, (954) 315-0428. We hope to see many of you on October 5!