Is Gamification Right for Your Event?

Is Gamification Right for Your Event?

Gamification is basically the practice of imbuing a non-game situation with the hallmarks of game play, including competition, scoring, rules, and of course, a healthy dose of fun.  It’s a way to add an element of interactivity and to enhance engagement and emotional connection that might not otherwise exist.

Consider that a traditional meeting or event is largely a one-way street.  You and your event organizer work to create an attractive platform to deliver information.  That information may come from celebrity speakers or panels, or at least industry-leading experts.  It may be provided through exhibits designed to catch the eye and appeal to consumers on an emotional level.

However, if you want to increase engagement throughout your event, creating situations that encourage interaction are ideal.  This is where gamification comes into the picture.  You’ll want to consult with your convention planner to determine if gamification is actually right for your event.  How can you tell?  Here are a few things you’ll want to consider before making the leap to gamification.


Corporate and Convention Planner Goals

Before you start dreaming up gamification ideas for your event, you need to stop and consider if this strategy will actually improve your odds of reaching set goals.  If your main goal is to deliver information, say for a professional audience seeking ongoing educational credits, gamification can add an element of fun to the proceedings, but it might actually detract from your ability to meet stated goals, especially if attendees get caught up in competitive challenges and forego needed seminars, for example.

That said, there are a variety of ways in which gamification can help you to enhance your event, spice up activities, and create a greater sense of interactivity and inclusion for attendees.  The primary goal of gamification is engagement, so if that’s something you’re interested in adding to your event and you think adding elements of gamification will augment other efforts, you should definitely collaborate with your event organizer to instill gamification.

Audience Characteristics

While you never want to pigeonhole consumers, the truth is that certain demographics are likely to be more receptive to the concept of gamification because of generational exposure and a level of comfort with the elements of gamification.  Whereas Gen Xers are comfortable with gaming and millennials are on board with social technologies, older generations may not be entirely comfortable with either.

This could not only hold them back from fully participating, but also color their perception of the event.  Age and relative tech savviness are two audience characteristics you and your convention planner need to consider before committing to a gamification strategy.


Collaborating with Your Event Organizer on Targeted Gamification

While you can certainly add elements of gamification simply for the sake of gamification, you’re bound to get more traction with event attendees if your strategy makes sense for the type of event you’re hosting, the ways in which you want attendees to engage, and your ultimate goals for behavior and guest perception of the overall experience.

For example, one of your goals may be to create an event community of sorts, one in which attendees are able not only to network, but to share an experience that allows them to build personal relationships with one another (and in the process, create positive associations with your brand).  In this case, you might want to lean toward group, rather than individual challenges.

Maybe you want to increase interest in and interactions with exhibitors.  A scavenger hunt type of scenario could lay the groundwork to accomplish your goals.  Perhaps your goal is to heighten feelings of FOMO for those not attending the event in order to increase attendance at subsequent events.  This could lead you and your convention planner to create areas and activities that encourage attendees to publicly document their experience, sharing pics and personal anecdotes in order to earn points and prizes.

Says Tarique Stanley, AMI’s Technology Specialist, “Gamification is not just about adding ‘games’ to your event.  It’s about creating a cohesive experience where guests can participate and contribute in a way that feels natural.  You don’t want gamification to feel antithetical to the purpose and aesthetic of your event.


Tracking for Future Inclusion

If you’re just starting to experiment with gamification, you really need to track participation and outcomes to determine whether or not this strategy is worthwhile moving forward, as well as how you can improve if you intend to continue.  When you work with a skilled event organizer like American Meetings, Inc. (AMI), you can choose the strategies best suited to your event, your audience, and your goals and track results to see how gamification contributes to your event.

How to Tailor the Technology at Your Meeting for Each Generation

How to Tailor the Technology at Your Meeting for Each Generation

Technology doesn’t always span generations.  As an event organizer or host, you need to consider that not every attendee has the same affinity for new technologies, and you don’t want to assume that, say, an older audience will engage the same way as younger, more tech-savvy guests.

Says Andy McNeill, CEO & Principal at AMI, “Depending on your guest list, you could end up with attendees ranging from twenty-somethings to senior citizens.  You want to utilize the latest technologies, but what if older audience members think tweeting is something birds do and streaming is a term to describe rays of sunshine?  You need to make sure you have a plan to engage every generation represented at your event.”

How can you accomplish this goal?  It’s starts by understanding what appeals to different generations and what they value.  Here are a few tips to help you and your convention planner come up with winning strategies for properly utilizing tech.


Convention Planner Strategies for Millennials

Generation Y, more commonly referred to as millennials, is generally considered to be comprised of individuals born after 1980 (those born nearer the turn of the century are being called Generation Z).  This was the first generation to really grow up with easy access to computer technology, and they’re the most likely to take to tech like fish to water, which means you and your convention planner will have to work hard to impress them with creative uses of the latest technologies.

Connecting through social media is a must, as is offering opportunities for social engagement and sharing throughout your event.  You must make serious efforts to interact digitally before, during, and after your event if you want to hold the attention and earn the respect of millennials.


Catering to Generation X

This generation missed the free love freight train, but hopped on board in time for the excess of the ‘80s and the tech boom of the ‘90s, including the first forays into computer gaming and internet usage, as well as vast iterations of mobile tech ranging from brick phones (not to be confused with bricked phones) to smartphones.

As a result, Gen Xers are fairly open to trying new technologies, even if they’re not terribly familiar with them coming in.  Offering tutorials and demos could help increase inclusion with technologies millennials are already well-versed in.  AI could be of particular interest to sci-fi loving Generation X, so you should talk to your event organizer about possible uses for AI.


Appealing to Baby Boomers as an Event Organizer

Baby Boomers, born between the end of WWII and the mid-1960s, are not necessarily the most invested in technology, which can leave them out of the loop at tech-heavy modern events.  As a host or convention planner, however, you can bridge the gap in a variety of ways, such as by hosting both face-to-face and digital presentations that provide guests with options for how to attend.

Many Baby Boomers are also concerned with health, wellness, and thriving well into their senior years.  You can capitalize on this by finding ways to incorporate wearables like Fitbit, say through event-themed challenges.  An experienced event organizer like American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) can help you create and implement strategies designed to include tech tailored to every generation at your event.

11 Tips for Negotiating Your Meetings Audio Visual

11 Tips for Negotiating Your Meetings Audio Visual

Audio Visual is one of the areas that most planners never really develop comfort around. Sure, we can all stand behind a tech table and call a show, but what is all of that equipment for and how much are they charging for it anyway? Why do some properties have union fees and high drayage while others don’t? Why do I see 4 techs at one location and 3 at another when the scope of the program is the same?  Do I have to use the in-house AV group or can I bring in someone else? Why is the hotel adding a service charge to the in-house AV bill?

In order to effectively build your budget and truly understand what you are getting, start a very clear dialogue with your supplier and don’t be afraid to ask questions.  Take the time to learn what you are paying for and carefully review a line item breakdown.  I can’t tell you how many times I have received a proposal that has a bucket cost for the total services but also has a disclaimer that additional fees can be incurred.  Our clients expect us to provide them with an accurate budget, so we need to be sure to have the same expectation from our suppliers.

And always get at least three bids! Even if you have worked with a group for a long time, you may be surprised at what you find when comparing apples to apples.

The following is a piece I found on by Jeff Hurt and it has some good advice.  Enjoy! (more…)

Planning an Expo that Your Attendees Will Love

Planning an Expo that Your Attendees Will Love


Expos draw big crowds thanks to the promise of access to industry advances and educational opportunities.  You and your corporate meeting planner are ahead of the game in that you’ve already got a wide audience of leads interested in the subject matter of your expo, but you can’t rest on your laurels.

You need to find ways to turn interest in to sign up to boost attendance, and then deliver a memorable experience that attendees will want to share and repeat.  How can you and your global meeting planner pull off an expo that attendees will love?

Work with Your Corporate Meeting Planner to Automate Registration

Check-in can be a major pain point for event attendees, thanks to long, boring waiting lines and poor organization.  What can you do to ease the transition into your expo?  Start by upgrading check-in technology.

Self-serve options can not only cut down on wait times but also reduce needed staff, so research your options and thoroughly test them before the event.  If you think there might be lines at traditionally heavy registration times, add entertainment to beat boredom and create share-worthy moments.

Consider Diverse Payment Options

Cash may be king, but the common people tend to prefer credit.  It’s no surprise when you think about it.  Cash that is lost or stolen is irretrievable, while a stolen credit or bank card can quickly be canceled, and fraudulent transactions are generally easy to recover.

Your options for sales don’t begin and end when people sign up and pay to attend the expo.  There are untold opportunities to sell them food, merchandise, and even experiences, but only if you make it easy for them to pay.

Accepting cash is a given, but you’ll also want to make sure vendors are able to take credit cards, and you should probably at least consider working with your global meeting planner to implement modern payment options like mobile payments or even RFID badges or wristbands.

Says Annie Fernandez, Director of Marketing at AMI, “People are a lot more likely to make impulse buys when they don’t have to think too hard about it.  When you run a cash-only operation, you’re seriously limiting sales.  Event attendees don’t want to have to find an ATM and return to make a purchase.  A simple swipe with a card, wristband, or mobile device makes purchasing easy and boosts event sales.”

Carefully Vet Vendors and Exhibits

When people attend an expo, it’s because they want to see the latest and greatest products and services the industry has to offer.  It’s your job to curate a lineup of vendors both beloved and novel to keep attendees interested and make sure they get their money’s worth from the experience.  Many attendees that come to the same event annually do so because they want to see specific vendors or they’re excited about new ones.

How can you gauge the vendors that are likely to draw returning crowds and entice new attendees from year to year?  The best way is to ask attendees what they like.  Cruise the floor to see where guests are gathering and ask them directly to name their favorite exhibitors or explain what they’re looking for.

You can also send out follow-up surveys and tap into social media to see what attendees are liking and sharing.  All of these efforts will give you and your corporate meeting planner clues to which exhibitors to invite back in the future, and how you can find new acts that are sure to please your audience.

Screen for Suitable Entertainment with Your Global Meeting Planner

Exhibitors are a large part of why attendees sign up for your event, but guests also expect entertainment, which is why you need to add speakers, panels, workshops, demos, and other entertainment options.  You and your global meeting planner should also consider live streaming from the event.  This will ensure that attendees have access to plenty of educational and entertainment opportunities and that they don’t miss a minute of the activities that interest them.

Focus on Layout but Don’t Forget Creature Comforts

Any expo is bound to feature a lot of walking and information gathering, which can strain both body and mind.  What can you do to help attendees rally?  Provide ample creature comforts.  Sustenance is a must, so make sure you and your corporate meeting planner incorporate plenty of coffee, juice, and snack bars throughout the venue and think about providing reusable water bottles in your welcome packets.

As for tired tootsies, you might bring in masseurs to set up foot massage stations around the venue, providing rejuvenating R&R sessions that will soon have attendees up and at ‘em, ready to explore more exhibits or attend lectures and panels.

Best of 2018: 5 Meeting Give-aways  Attendees Will Love!

Best of 2018: 5 Meeting Give-aways Attendees Will Love!

What do your promotional items say about your company and brand? When an attendee takes home your give-a-way from your meeting or event, you want them to keep it and use it, and have a positive association with your brand every time they see it. The days of cheap promotional knick-knacks are gone, and an era of branded sustainable and high-tech items have has taken their place. Just make sure you pick something that’s useful to attendees, relevant to the event or topic, and high quality. You don’t want your logo on a dud!

Can’t stomach the cost of the tech gadgets? Try holding a raffle, or give the items to customers and warm prospects that engage with you. Including and planning for promotional items as part of your overall event strategy will ensure you get the best prices and that attendees walk away with an item they’re excited about. It’s marketing that has the potential to pay dividends down the road.

1- Bluetooth Item Tracker

This handy little tracker can be attached to a purse, keys, or anything else you might misplace frequently. With a free app, you can easily find it again. Lost your phone? Pressing a button on the tracker will prompt your phone to ring so you can track it down as well.

Bluetooth 1

2- Fitness Tracker

These wearable tech devices can track your steps, sleeping patterns, eating habits and more. Added benefits are tracking and photo-snapping remote features for your phone.

Fitness tracker 2

3- Wireless Earbuds

Give your customers a quality listening experience without getting caught up in all the wires.

Wireless earbuds 3

4- Virtual Reality Viewers

For a truly immersive experience, branded virtual reality viewers take it to the next level. It takes less than a minute to fold up the headset from a flat piece of cardboard—add in a phone, and presto.

Virtual Reality 4

5- Bluetooth Speakers

Speakers have long been a favorite promotional giveaway item, but this is the next generation. Not only can you stream music via Bluetooth, but it also has a noise-cancelling speakerphone feature.

Bluetooth speakers 5

What to elevate your next meeting or event? Your friends at AMI are here to help.
Contact us at (866) 337-7799 Ext 8877 or

Welcome to the AMI Virtual Experience: Virtual Meetings & Virtual Reality

Welcome to the AMI Virtual Experience: Virtual Meetings & Virtual Reality

It’s Time To See Us In A Whole New Way!

We are well known for our Live Meeting Services and Rock Star Team with the Best  Corporate Meeting Planners around the globe.

Many don’t know we manage Virtual Meeting Engagements in over 30 countries. We also are taking our client’s meetings to the next level with innovations and the use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to enhance the attendee experience.

Learn more about our Virtual Meetings and Virtual Reality Capabilities!