Mobile Apps for Meeting Planners – Poken

Mobile Apps for Meeting Planners – Poken

Poken Poken 2 Poken 3Here is another new technology that our corporate meeting planners love.  We incorporated Poken recently in a technology showcase we planned for one of our clients.  It is small, simple and ideal for trade shows, conferences and any networking events you host.  Wave the device in front of the poken sticker at  your booth, and instantly exchange contact information, content, etc.  Your clients and attendees will love it!  Read more about Poken below.  Here is an excerpt from their website:

Poken is a sleek device that enables you to digitally exchange your contact details with a touch, or collect digital content that’s stored in special stickers that are called “tags“, just by touching them.

Create a digital business card with all your social network profiles, and swap it with other people simply touching pokens. Collect digital content offline (such as videos, coupons, brochures, photos), and have it all organized and available online.

Poken ignites conversations, makes networking simple and fun, and creates an engaging experience for people to collect promotional literature at events.

Choose among 30 eye-catching pokenSPARK designs, the sleek black and white look of the pokenPULSE, or customize the devices’ caps with your brand.  Check it out at!

Mobile Apps for Meeting Planners – ABUKAI

Mobile Apps for Meeting Planners – ABUKAI

It is no surprise that the insurgence of mobile devices has transformed life as we knew it 5 years ago.  And this change has had no small impact on every aspect of the meeting and event industry.  Our new mobile technology blog series will feature some of the coolest new mobile applications we have come across in our travels.

In 2012, a leading internet career site based in California, conducted a study of the 10 most stressful jobs, and guess which profession came out as #6?  You guessed it – Meeting & Event Planners!   And we think you will agree that staying on budget and maintaining accurate expense records are most important yet often last priority with our busy travel schedules.

ABUKAI Expenses ( is one of our corporate meeting planners’ favorite apps because it eliminates the effort associated with tracking and reporting expenses. With ABUKAI you just take a photo of your receipts with your smartphone and voila!  ABUKAI will:ABUKAI Expenses

  • Read the information, capture it and integrate the information with any existing expense management system you have.
  • If the receipt has a phone number on it, the service will automatically look it up in a location database and include the full company information on the reporting
  • Read and capture small handwritten notes on receipts (for example, if you want to notate that a dinner was with a client)
  • Generate reports in standard Excel and QuickBooks applications
  • BONUS:  it can even read crumpled receipts!

This app has given us freedom from manual data entry, sending information to financial administrators, and leaves out the human error of expense reporting.  Try it out!

8 Tips for Incorporating IT into Your Next Meeting or Event

8 Tips for Incorporating IT into Your Next Meeting or Event

The main purpose of an event or a meeting is to have “face-to-face” engagement with the attendees.  The Meeting and event industry is in a transition period where event planners can increase attendee retention and maximize on extended audiences all around the world through electronic means.  Anyone planning an event must be sure to let IT enhance the program, not swallow it!  Events are based on “face-to-face” time with clients, peers and colleagues.

 Listed below are 8 critical tips for incorporating IT into your next event

  • Learn what your speaker would like in terms of IT – Whether it is a PowerPoint presentation with embedded video or the speaker needing web access to show a demonstration, these details need to be ironed out in advance.
  • Figure out how the speaker will take questions – More people are using social media so make sure that there is a delay on the questions that will appear and be extremely prepared for candid questions.
  • Decide on the bandwidth for the venue – Most attendees will be on smart phones or checking their emails throughout the event.  Make sure that there is enough bandwidth for the number of people attending.

Andy McNeill, CEO of American Meetings makes this point:

“Have your IT contact do an analysis based on estimated attendees and invest in the infrastructure. If you don’t have the budget, then rely on traditional communication such as audience response systems and large screens to communicate the speaker’s message.”

  • Decide whether to use social media as a part of the meeting – A large portion of attendees tweeting to the main speaker can cause Wi-Fi to lag.  Also announce to the attendees to use hash tags to keep track of attendee feedback.
  • Determine if streaming media will be open to all attendees – Keep in mind that 70% of the audience will be using their PDA’s to view the event instead of actually looking directly at the speaker.
  • Do not put all your trust in free Wi-Fi – Free Wi-Fi has limited quality and a small bandwidth.  Invest in an IT infrastructure for your event.  Any issues with Wi-Fi could have a huge toll on your whole event.
  • Secure your Wi-Fi – Make sure not to label your Wi-Fi network the same as your organization.  Try to use an alphanumerical password and the best encryption you can.
  • Know your IT contact – Be sure to have your IT contact on-site to help with any issues that may arise with equipment, or problems attendees might be having.
MeetingSoft AMI, American Meetings, Inc.

MeetingSoft AMI, American Meetings, Inc.

Andy McNeill, American Meetings, Inc., Latest in meeting planning and registration software
Contact us at
Meeting Solutions… Perfected.

Virtual Goes Viral! 8 Ways to Hybrid-ize your meeting or event

Virtual Goes Viral! 8 Ways to Hybrid-ize your meeting or event

This chart says it all. The explosion of virtual meetings and events is just ramping up and is expected to triple in the next five years. Through the convergence of technology, bandwidth, and mobile devices, we will see more “virtual-only meetings” but also a wide range of “hybrid meetings”, defined as a combination of face-to-face (f2f) and virtual attendees and components. These live + virtual events will dramatically change the face of the meeting, event, and tradeshow industries. Get ready for a wild ride!

One could argue that the “tipping point” came after Cisco Live! 2009, one of the software giant’s largest annual conferences. For the event, Cisco turned to virtual technology to boost attendance and cut costs and the results were nothing short of a home run. According to an article in the June/July issue of Event Marketer magazine, “Cisco’s foray into hybrid events changed the event industry forever”.

At AMI, we believe in the power of face-to-face (f2f) meetings and don’t believe they will ever go away. At the same time, we are fully engaged in the possibilities of massive knowledge sharing and collaboration via new technologies. Here are some of the tools we offer clients who want to blend onsite with online:

1. Web Conferencing – Connect meeting attendees and speakers in different physical locations by using VoIP (voice over internet protocol) which allows real-time streaming of audio and video. Many are familiar with Skype but there are web conferencing systems that offer much more advanced interactivity such as using camera control and collaborative tools (see below). We are also seeing more hotels and business centers adding high-definition virtual conference rooms which can be used to host hybrid sessions during your f2f meeting/event at a particular venue.

2. Online Collaboration Tools – Open source your meetings and events by allowing virtual participants to share documents, web pages, whiteboards, slide decks, audio, video, and more. All in real-time of course. Some web conference systems even allow you to record your events, thereby creating a collective knowledge base. These tools can be used for small meetings or for larger groups of thousands.

3. Webinars – Whether stand-alone or to complement a f2f event, webinars are a great education tool that broadcasts content from a single source to multiple viewers or listeners simultaneously. Most webinars include an audio transmission of the speaker/presenter along with visuals (usually a slide deck presentation). A moderator helps to monitor questions and comments from the virtual attendees via real-time chat.

4. Live webcasts – Broadcast your Keynotes, General Sessions and/or Breakouts by streaming your live presentations (video + audio) via the internet in real-time. Allow f2f and virtual participants to communicate together about the event and/or presentation by utilizing real-time social media tools (see below). Content can be made available “on-demand” for a set period after the meeting/event.

5. Remote Presenter(s) – this can be done using a streaming video feed of your speaker who is in a different physical location. OR, as very recently announced by AMI, why not blow your audience away with a realistic 3-D hologram of your guest speaker?! We are very excited to be able to offer this new technology to our clients. Remote presenter options can be a great way to attract high profile speakers who may not have the time to travel to a physical event.

6. Social Media channels – Often called the “backchannel”, Social Media represents the virtual conversations taking place in the background before, during, and often long after your live meeting or event. Take the time to set up and promote social media activity through things like assigning a specific Twitter hashtag for your event, creating event-specific Facebook and LinkedIn pages, setting up Foursquare check-in locations, and more. And then, bring the backchannel forward by including highly visible digital screens to show the Twitter feed at your live events. These tools are becoming indispensable for event management towards building a meeting and event community and tapping into the power of collaboration. As iPads and other “always online” tablets and devices become more prevalent, we will discover even more ways to share and capture knowledge and ideas wherever, whenever.

7. Virtual Environments – Multimedia formats like Second Life, ON24, and others offer virtual attendees a rich experience of moving around and interacting within a 2D or 3D environment in real-time. During a live meeting/event, these environments can offer attendees an opportunity to “virtually” interact with presenters, organizers, and/or live meeting attendees. You can expect virtual conference centers and meeting rooms, tradeshows, exhibit floors, and more to become more common as well as more realistic.

8. Complete virtual meeting/conference platform – Especially for larger annual conferences, product launches, and tradeshows, consider creating an overall “virtual attendee” platform to complement your live event. This should include promoting the menu of virtual options on your event website. You may want to offer different “virtual attendee” fees which determine the level of access to sessions, breakouts, the exhibit floor, on-demand content, etc. And don’t forget plans to encourage social networking and feedback. And of course, there are many other possibilities such as custom mobile apps for events, interactive virtual exhibit booths, video sharing, interactive web-based games, virtual goodie bags, and more.

The “hybrid” options for meeting management and event planning are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Whether you’re just starting to experiment with them or are ready for the latest and greatest technologies, AMI can help you find the right mix of physical and virtual elements to maximize ROI, enrich attendee experience and achieve strategic meeting objectives, all while reducing your carbon footprint.

Web-based Event Management Software

Web-based Event Management Software

American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) has developed proprietary event management software that coordinates all marketing, production and logistical elements. This collaborative software, called, allows both AMI and our clients complete access to the same information in a real-time format. is dynamic, web-based, meeting management and event registration software that allows users to plan and manage the key aspects of their meeting. The software was developed by seasoned meeting planning professionals and offers modules such as:

  • Event Registration
  • Attendee Management
  • Accounting
  • Event Planning Document Library
  • Meetings Industry Blog
  • Event Registration E-mail Module

Whether utilized for corporate meetings, conferences, sales meetings, employee training or private events, allows the user to coordinate all aspects of their meeting in one cohesive location from anywhere in the world.

Contact AMI to manage the details of your next event