Sustainability in Meetings and Events

Sustainability in Meetings and Events

Whether you’re hosting meetings and events in your own backyard or you’ve chosen a global destination, the last thing you want to do is create excessive pollution and waste in the course of planning and executing your gathering.  Not only is this detrimental to your host city, but it could offend attendees and perhaps tarnish your image in the process.

This is why so many event hosts and their event management teams are working to find ways to make events, both large and small, more sustainable.  The good news is, there are several avenues to explore, and some could even save money and add convenience for guests.  Here are just a few strategies you and your event company can employ to add sustainability to your upcoming events.

Partner With Experts

Says Aurelio DeMendoza, SR VP Marketing and Strategic Alliances “Sustainable events are easier than ever to plan and execute because so many businesses are seeking ways to do their part and offer green products and services.  You just have to search for resources that contribute to your event in suitable ways.”  For the past 3 years, AMI has been a promotional partner and has attended the SPLC Summit in Minneapolis, MN.  The Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council works to improve sustainability efforts globally and the annual conference brings over 400 professionals together yearly to find ways to improve.  The partnership with the SPLC has given AMI the opportunity to improve sustainability efforts in meetings and events.

Ask Your Event Company To Focus On The 3 R’s

The three R’s are: reduce, reuse, and recycle.  You and your event company have endless options to implement these eco-friendly principles.  A good place to start if you’re interested in sustainability is by going paperless.  Many companies have already done this in the office setting, at least to a degree, by upgrading to digital file storage systems, and you can gain the same benefits when you go paperless for events.

Technology has paved the way for an easy transition to paper-free affairs, now that everything can be managed online and through apps.  Not only can attendees find information, sign up, and pay online, but you and your event management partner can find ways to continue the trend at your event.

Your registration booth could utilize digital check-in via tablets or you could provide attendees with an app for remote check-in that allows them to skip the line.  You could provide digital passes (instead of paper badges) that attendees can flash on their smartphones and you can upload all materials (itineraries, maps, etc.) for attendees to access digitally.  This will cut down on all kinds of paper and other waste and provide added convenience for guests.

In addition to going paperless, you could reduce energy use by hosting meetings, panels, or other activities in sunlit rooms or even outdoors, weather permitting.  Instead of stocking welcome baskets with prepackaged items, you could include reusable water bottles and fresh fruit, or opt for snacks produced by companies subscribing to sustainable practices

Go Local

Sustainability takes many forms, and one thing you and your event management company can do to create sustainability on every front is a partner with local businesses, especially those that have their own eco-friendly initiatives.  For example, you might choose a caterer that offers an organic and locally-sourced menu.  You could work with a local taxi service that uses hybrid and/or electric cars.  You could find hotels and venues that prize sustainability.

If you want to plan sustainable events, start by partnering with an experienced global event management company like American Meetings, Inc. (AMI) that has the knowledge and resources to put you on the right path.

11 Valuable Tips for Creating the Ultimate HCP Meeting Experience

11 Valuable Tips for Creating the Ultimate HCP Meeting Experience

Click here to download a guide with 11 Valuable Tips for Creating the Ultimate HCP Meeting Experience

These days, it can be challenging to plan a meeting for healthcare providers that is truly memorable. It can be challenging, but not impossible. By keeping these tips in mind along the way, you can keep your attendees engaged from start to finish and have them leaving feeling both educated and appreciated.

  1. Clearly define your meeting goals and objectives
    It is important to plan a meeting with a purpose. Clearly defining your meeting goals and objectives from the get-go will keep everyone involved on track. AMI Tip: Send the meeting objectives and/or a pre-survey to the HCPs prior to the meeting to elicit feedback on areas they’d like to cover.
  2. Determine who should attend
    Be sure you’re targeting the “right” HCPs, based on your meeting objectives and goals. AMI Tip: Seasoned HCPs are incredibly valuable, but consider inviting younger, “up-and-coming” HCPs, as well, so you have an array of fresh and interesting perspectives.
  3. Choose the right venue/destination
    Select a centrally located venue for the HCPs attending so travel is as quick and efficient as possible. Be sure the venue offers meeting space that suits your needs. AMI Tip: For day meetings, consider an airport hotel where they never have to leave the terminal!
  4. Be sensitive to an HCP’s time away from the office
    This is especially important when developing your agenda – not only for the HCPs but also for their patients. AMI Tip: A Friday evening reception followed by a Saturday meeting allows an HCP to miss minimal time away from the office and still have part of the weekend for him/herself.
  5. Make the most of a PhRMA-compliant budget
    PhRMA-compliant budgets are restrictive and there’s always a strong focus on reportable spending. But, restrictive doesn’t mean impossible to work with. Be creative! AMI Tip: Don’t be afraid to ask the chef at the hotel or restaurant to offer creative options to fit your budget. Most welcome the challenge of providing creative food options.
  6. Provide robust and relevant content
    In today’s fast-paced, data-driven environment, it’s important to deliver the most robust and relevant content possible. AMI Tip: Poll the audience often to gauge interest and level of knowledge, and share the feedback with the audience immediately. This will increase participation and HCP engagement.
  7. Utilize innovative ways to get HCPs involved and keep them engaged
    There are new and exciting ways to keep HCPs engaged with cutting-edge technology (audio/visual, audience response, etc.). AMI Tip: Utilize audience response technologies either handheld or even in a mobile app to keep attendees engaged. Consider integrating questions/surveys and polling throughout the entire meeting.
  8. Offer HCPs an opportunity to network and collaborate onsite
    HCPs appreciate having the opportunity to collaborate and network with their peers onsite. This is a major value-add to your meeting. AMI Tip: Receptions, meals, beaks, and breakout sessions are great ways to offer your HCPs a chance to network with their peers. Consider utilizing name tents at meals to encourage HCP’s to sit with different colleagues during social meals.
  9. Survey HCPs for feedback on content and logistics
    Give the HCPs an opportunity to provide feedback on meeting logistics and content. Use this data to improve future meetings.    AMI Tip: Keep surveys as succinct as possible, and have them fill out and hand in when they pick up their Honoria (if applicable).
  10. Process HCP Payments quickly and efficiently
    It’s professional and courteous to pay honoraria right away and process reimbursable expenses as quickly as possible. AMI Tip: Prep honoraria checks ahead of time so they’re ready to hand out or mail as soon as the meeting is over.
  11. Say “Thank You!”
    Make sure the HCPs feel appreciated for participating. A simple hand-written “thank you” goes a long way and solidifies a positive relationship going forward. AMI Tip: Don’t let too much time lapse before you extend your thanks. Be prompt and sincere. A letter or handwritten thank you for accompanying the honoraria check works nicely.

    Contact AMI today to find out how our experienced team of professionals can help you create the ultimate HCP meeting experience.

    Brand Ambassador’s Rock

    Brand Ambassador’s can help you reach both awareness and revenue goals for your brand. Creating a strong Brand Ambassador program takes planning, organization and drive.  Here are a few ways to make your Brand Ambassador program successful and allow’s your brand ambassadors rock!

    5 Steps to Deal with a Social Media Storm at your Meeting

    5 Steps to Deal with a Social Media Storm at your Meeting


    At American Meetings we have a proactive social media strategy, especially around crisis management.  Most attendees are on social media and it’s critical to be prepared when a crisis hits so that the correct information is being disseminated online.  The American Meetings Network at is just part of how AMI communicates information about our events.  The social network includes meeting planners and suppliers that partner with AMI throughout the year and here we post emergency updates if necessary.  These updates are then blasted on all our social media platforms instantaneously.  That’s the how but in a crisis the questions become, what and when to communicate. Whether you’re dealing with national news, local weather, an industry shakeup or any other scuttlebutt planning is the key to navigating a crisis.

    Here are 5 steps to deal with a social media storm at your meeting.

    1. Prepare a Plan

    Before a problem comes up, have a social media response plan in place.  That way your team members are not shooting off the cuff when an issue arises.  This plan should be in writing with a step-by-step list so that anyone can implement it easily.

    Some questions that you should consider, include:

    Who is responsible for making the communications decisions on site?

    Who will implement the updates?

    Which communication channels will you use?

    What is your Plan B?


    2. Confirm the Problem

    First, you need to make sure that the situation at hand is truly a crisis.  Many people react to situations that may be benign. Pull your team together and make sure the issue is real.

    2. Gather All The Facts

    Be sure that everyone handling the emergency is present and fully understands what’s happening because you don’t want miscommunication on your channels. Ask: What happened? Why? Who was involved? What happens next? What will we say?

    Gather all the facts first. Understand your options and make sure in advance that the meeting planner has the authority to act on those options.

    3. Empower Your Team

    Attendees aren’t the only ones who have social media accounts. Once you have a plan in place, it does no good unless all members of your team understand it and know what’s expected of them. Your staff needs to be prepared before a crisis strikes, so that just like you, they understand what to do and will be empowered to help the cause.

    5. Communicate Swiftly

    The most important thing you can do is to respond calmly and quickly with the facts. The first hours are crucial because people are waiting direction from the organization. The longer you wait, the worse it is and the higher the likelihood of your audience making inaccurate guesses based on hearsay.

    In Conclusion

    While the dangers in managing a social media crisis are clear, every problem brings with it an opportunity and some organizations may find a chance to take a negative experience and spin it into something more inspirational.  If you plan well with your team, a social media crisis could prove to advance your mission and inspire your audience.

    Happy Planning!

    For more information, or help with a meeting or event, contact or call American Meetings, Inc. @ (866) 337-7799

    3 Ways to Protect Event Attendees Against the Zika Virus

    3 Ways to Protect Event Attendees Against the Zika Virus

    Zika MosquitoThe mosquito born virus, Zika is “spreading explosively” according to the World Health Organization and is beginning to impact the meeting and events industry.  Those looking to plan events are avoiding countries that are highly affected by the outbreak.  Other clients with booked events are asking about relocation options from areas affected by the virus.   And others who are continuing with their plans into problem areas are taking precautions.

    The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has issued travel notices denoted by 3 warning levels based on the degree of seriousness.  Their website includes all the details at The United States State Department also includes their Zika Virus travel alerts and warnings on their website

    Here are 3 ways to protect your attendee’s from potential harm as you plan travel for your meetings and events.

    1-      Research: Review the areas where you are traveling and make sure there are no warnings associated with travel.  If one exists then assess the threat risk based on the warning level and find out your options for re-location, re-schedule or cancellation.  There are financial and other concerns so finding out the specific details is important before making a decision.

    2-      Find Help:  If you and your team are concerned and are considering a change contact your meeting and events organizer ASAP and ask about a new location options.  At AMI we have already worked with several clients who have made travel changes to upcoming events.  We’ve been happy to help them find a safe, appropriate location for their team to enjoy their gathering.

    3-      Precautions:   If your team decides to stick with a previously scheduled meeting then taking appropriate precautions is important for the safety of your travelers.  Work closely with local health officials, the hotel and your planning team and take steps to protect attendee’s.  Precautions include offering mosquito repellent, moving events indoors and offering opt-out for attendee’s if they elect not to attend certain events.

    During this time of concern it’s important to realize that, although this outbreak is important to watch, planning a safe, productive and motivating event is absolutely possible.  Conducting research, finding help and taking precautions are just 3 ways to be prepared and safe.

    Safe Planning!

    For more information, or help with a meeting or event, contact or call American Meetings, Inc. @ 866-337-7799

    3 Creative Ideas for Memorable Holiday Cards

    At AMI we are always working to improve our client relationships.   That’s why when the holiday season arrives, we work to be creative with our holiday card ideas in order to impress our clients.  In the attempt to make sure that our cards are received with the correct message and intent many end up with a boring and forgettable card.  Here are a few ideas that you can use to impress and improve your client relationships during this holiday season in a memorable way.

    Personalized Cards

    Real cards can be more personal, particularly if you sign and address them by hand. As an extra bonus if your card is placed on someone’s desk in an office there is a outstanding chance it, and your company name, will be seen by other potential clients too.


    If you’re time is short, have more than a few to send or would like to “Go Green” then eCards could be the answer. Many companies are aware of their environmental impact and “Going Green” with eCards is often a reason to choose them over paper cards. The most important advantage with eCards is the cost benefit especially if you are sending hundreds or thousands.  For those who are on a tight budget this is a great way to get your holiday message out without breaking your budget.

    Homemade Cards

    You could choose to see this as an opportunity to, not simply remind your clients of who you are, but also remind them of how outstanding you are at what you do.  For those professionals in creative fields, this is your way to impress and show your attention to detail and your skills as a creative partner.

    Regardless how you chose to express your gratitude during the holidays with your clients it’s always important to show that you care.

    Here is our personal holiday message for you all:

     “One of the real Joys this Holiday season is the opportunity to say Thank You and wish you the very best for the New Year.

    From all of us at American Meetings, Inc. – AMI, Here’s to a season filled with warmth, comfort and good cheer.”

     Happy Holidays!!! And Happy Planning!!!